Sunday, 21 April 2013

Learn from those that 'adapt'.

Our teenage Son explains how he 'see's' the 'Portuguese Man-of-war'....."The Borg"...whereby they are of a 'collective intelligence and if any species was 'alien', they most certainly are.

I have to agree with a certain extent "If any one species was to survive, it's these."  And not forgetting the 'Seajellies'.

Portuguese man-of-war  ~  'Siphonophore'  a species made up of a colony of organisms working together.

The floating purply-blue 'plastic-looking bag' drifts on the motion from the sea's currents, as they have no independant separate way to direct themselves (no propulsion.)  And is not an 'it' but a 'they'.  Are four  separate 'polyps' ::: A gas filled bladder or pneumatophores is the upper part, where they can if under threat....deflate their air bags and for a moment submerge out of danger.

It's tentacles are it's second 'organism' and can extend these long, thin tendrills to a massive 165 feet (50 metres) they average around 30 feet (10 metres.)

Muscles in the tentacles draw prey towards a polyp containing gastrozooids or digestive organisms.

The reproductive organism is within the fourth polyp.

The 'Seajellies' venom is totally different from the 'Portuguese man-of-war and must Not have the same medical treatment applied, if stung!

If you are 'stung' by them it wouldn't always be fatel but extremely painful.  Never touch a dead, washed-up one, as they can still give out a 'sting'!

Each 'zooid' is so specialised that one aloan couldn't survive, only as a group.  Perhaps long ago evolution processes altered it's biological DNA.  We are moving into another time of 'change', change of weather patterns, Co2 emissions causing a dramatic alteration in the Sea's chemistry.

Prolonged association between two or more different organisms is called a 'Symbiosis'.

Natural selection is the only known cause of adaptation, those that can 'move-on' and those that can't 'die'.

However changeable species can be, we most certainly can learn from them.

Whereas, 'Seajellies' swim all the time.  Their bodies are composed of over 95% water and have been around for possibly 700 million years, making them the oldest multi-organ animal.


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